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Participant to the principal theoretical perspectives of research to quantitative and qualitative techniques, research designs including, data collection methods, data analysis and ethical considerations in research.
The course will introduce
participant to the principal theoretical perspectives of research to quantitative and qualitative techniques, research designs including, data collection methods, data analysis and ethical considerations in research.
In addition it provides practical guide and steps to write a research report and manuscript for publication.
General aim:
The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the principles of good research practice and to prepare them to conduct the research and writing for publication.
The course will cover the following topics:
1- Principal concepts of research methods
2- Basic knowledge about different types of research designs
3-Selection of a research topic/ research area.
4-Review of the research literature.
5- Formulation of research objectives.
6-Sampling (size, technique, frame, unit)
7- Methods and techniques of data collection.
8- Types of variables
9-Data analysis/ and basic statistical concepts and analysis
10- Ethical consideration
11-Budget and timeline
12-Research report writing
12- Manuscript writing for publication
Continuous assessment through quizzes
2-Participants are requested to prepare a concept note and outline frame
work for research proposal.
3- Participants should include a clear statement of the research problem, a
synopsis of the research design, and an outline of the research methods
together with a provisional review of literature relevant to their research
project. In the proposal,
4- Participants will be required to demonstrate an understanding of the key
theoretical and methodological perspectives relevant to their research
Ardada Ka Cod Bixisay
H 1 Cod
Falcelinta Ardada
kassim abshir dirie
Dr Heitham Mohammed Ibrahim
Medical Doctor - Public health Consultant
He was graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum in 2001. Dr. Awadalla has experience of more than fifteen years in the medical field trough his working in different posts in MoH and hospitals.