DR-Abdallah Sid Ahmed

Public health professional with extensive national, regional and international health development experiences
Public health professional with extensive national, regional and international health development experiences






DR-Abdallah Sid Ahmed Osman 
Public health professional with extensive national, regional and international health development experiences
Specialization in Chest Medicine ( Fachartz) Austria -1990
Fellowship of Sudan Medical Specialization Board in Community Medicine-1999
(M.B, B.S) UOK, Sudan  , 1993-2001    
Expriences : 
    State Minister for Health Khartoum State – Sudan
2001-2007        Undersecretary, Federal Ministry of Health – Sudan 
1/2009- 2011         Advisor health system strengthening WHO EMRO
2014- 2019        Director of public health institute
Membership, Roll Back Malaria Board, Representing EMRO region 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 
Vice chair of the strategy committee of the Global fund to fight Malaria, TB and HIV from 2018- 2020